Thursday, August 30, 2007


My thoughts are focusing more on the wireless technologies that surround us now. I feel that to play with architecture, I should look to explore something more mobile. Something that might not even need a computer. I feel that the computer and the fact that I require a power supply is restricting me quite a lot.

People want to access information at any point or area, like an information area.

Some wireless technologies available:
Wireless Internet

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thoughts on City Grid

A city grid translates both when looking into a glass building or looking at a city from above. This makes me think of a rubix cube, which could be a possible interface. My concern with a rubix cube though is its usability. I will do more research on it.

How people move through offices and how traffic moves through the grid of the city.


Some thoughts on maybe using a grid of magnets as an interface. Magnets with iron fillings might work well, I'm not sure yet.

If I do use iron fillings, the pathways made will be similar to that in the picture on the left. The iron fillings could move based on the positions of the magnets.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Playful Surveillance

How can surveillance be made playful?
Is a game the only way?

- Perceiving the city's times, rythms, sights and sounds. Looking at social locations and boundaries. To look at the cityscape, I would have to think spatially about it.

  • Take pictures around school
  • Think of how my work would look like.
There is no surveillance in school, so a project using surveillance might be good.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Initial Thoughts - Week 1/2

The project theme is Cityscapes. It relates to how we view the city and the technology that is being used in this city. The first thought that comes to my mind is surveillance and CCTV. There is a lot of surveillance in city areas, using cameras of various kinds.

Some people agree with surveillance, a lot of people do not. It is quite difficult to actually say who is right. I personally feel that surveillance is quite helpful. It can help save lives. But on the other hand, it is also abused. There are better uses for the technology behind surveillance, rather than just watching people.

Everyday city life and exploring different forms of technlogy.
Responsive environments
Located media

Painters who have done cityscapes:

Monday, August 20, 2007


This blog is a site for a documentation process of my current project. It is an Interactive Arts project where I am using RFID technology. I will post more as I learn more so that this information can be shared with anyone at all.